glenn@dronemusic.co ‡ dronemusic.co ‡ github.com/replicant0wnz
Galgenbeck: Sacrifice Material
The following images and document were created to make my running of Galgenbeck: Sacrifice a little more immersive. During play I have my laptop hooked up to a TV and I display the images on it through out play.
For example, here’s my setup:
Also created an “Ordinance of Devotion” document that is printed on some “vintage” paper. Available here.
Life and Death in Galgenbeck
Holy Summons
Greater Dung Land
The Old One
Klum’s Big Shroom
Cathedral Entrance
House of Worship
Domus’s Office
Egg Room
Thermal Spa
Throne Room
Zip file of all the material here.