
Event planning using YAML and the command line


With the migration away from centralized social media platforms I’ve been wanting an easy way to send out invites to my tabletop gaming group. I haven’t been able to find anything that fits the following criteria (open source):

  • Contact list and events managed via YAML
  • Notification via SMS/RCS BCC message
  • Accept or decline invite via URL in text message
  • Ability to see who or accepted or declined via SMS/RCS and CLI
  • Create events via CLI


The project is named “mereth” which is the Elvish (Sindarin) word for “festival”. The repo exists here although it currently just links back to here while I’m in the prototyping stage.


I basically live in terminal so I want to manage all this in my preferred editor (heavily modified Neovim) via YAML. Single YAML that contains config info and contacts along with individual files for each event.


        Create new event YAML
           Execute command
               API call
      Notifications to invitees


          Invitee recives text
       Selects ACCEPT or DECLINE
    Option to recive notifications
                API call
Notification to event planner and invities


  • FastAPI via Python
  • CLI via Docker / Makefile
  • Clicksend for SMS interaction

glenn@dronemusic.co ‡ dronemusic.co ‡ github.com/replicant0wnz